Parth school walking onto Finals of Republic Day Celebrations at NDRI Karnal Click here for video
Date sheet Final Exam Term 1
Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas (October 2021) To make the students aware about 'Cyber Hygiene' for prevention of Cyber crime by inculcating habits of taking basic care ICT devices....
"If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it" School inculcates the culture and tradition to students. Power packed presentation by our grade II students. Enacted...
Glimpses of Special Assembly held on Gandhi Jayanti Dated : 2 Oct, 2021
CPD - Continuous Professional Development
AZADI KA AMRIT MOHOTSAV Dated : 15th August 2021
Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (AGC) 2021 Dated : 31st August to 30th September